Friday, September 3, 2010

'About Me' assignment

I can't seem to shake the idea.  Here is some backstory.  About three weeks ago, Alec Couros (@courosa) presented at a workshop I was at.  He made it clear that he believes we should carve out our own web identity so that we are in control of (to some extent) what people find out when searching for information about us online.  I've been thinking about that quite a bit, and there isn't much information about me out there... but there is some.

I know a lot of teachers tell their students a little about themselves on the first day of classes, and invite students to share, either in writing or aloud, a bit about themselves.  A colleague told me just yesterday about some of the things he tells his classes about himself.

So, what have I been thinking of doing?  Well, it's probably completely obvious at this point, but I was thinking of assigning the students an 'About Me' project on the first day of class for homework, but the twist is that it really is about me.  They have to write a paper telling me all about me based on information that they can find from anywhere.

I am not convinced that I should do it.  I am a bit worried about what might come of it.  I've done the 'project' myself and there isn't anything damning that comes up, nor could there be (I suspect), but the idea of encouraging them to look for details related to my private life is a bit scary.

Your thoughts on the idea are welcomed.

G. Levack

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